Cedar Rose Counseling & Wellness

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3 Simple Ways to Overcome The Fear Of Change & Uncertainty

Photo by Nina Uhlikova

In a nutshell, anxiety is the fear of uncertainty. It is simply human nature to feel anxious when we do new things. Whether this is a new relationship, a new position at work, a new skill that we are building, and even when our plans change when we didn’t expect them to. Anxiety will show up because these things matter to us and it can feel quite threatening if they don’t turn out how we hope they will. 

While uncomfortable, I want to gently remind you that this anxiety you feel in these situations is not dangerous to you. The discomfort you feel is simply your brain saying “hey, I don’t know what’s happening and I am scared because I don’t know how to prepare for it”.

In order to overcome this fear of uncertainty, we must build resilience towards new experiences and the discomfort they bring. And honestly we can do this in pretty simple ways in our daily life. Here are 3 simple ways you can overcome your fear of change and uncertainty starting today.

1) Try new things

Photo by Steve Johnson

You know how when you try something new, it tends to feel kind of awkward and uncomfortable because we don’t yet have the skills we need? This discomfort can stem from fear. It’s your brain’s way of saying “I don’t know how to do this. I am afraid I will fail.” Or maybe even, “I am afraid I will be rejected if I don’t get this right”.

You can do this in any way that you wish, but here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. You can change how you present yourself. Maybe with a new haircut, different style of makeup, varying your genre of clothing to express yourself in a new way. 

  2. Or you can start a new hobby. Trying a new skill and persevering through the challenges a new skill will inevitably present, teaches your brain that 1) you can get through hard things and 2) new doesn’t automatically mean dangerous.

2) Change up your routine

Photo by Chevanon Photography

If introducing something new sounds a bit daunting, try starting with changing up how you go about your day. For instance, If you exercise regularly, doing the same workouts at the same time of day, try a different type of workout or exercise at a different time of day if your schedule allows. This helps your brain build flexibility so when changes arise, instead of feeling defeated, you can say “that sucks but no worries, I can move things around to adapt.”

You could also practice this by driving a different route to work, school or your favorite coffee shop. I know it sounds simple but it really is effective over time. 

3) Change your environment

Photo by Krisztina Papp

Changing your environment allows you to be stimulated in new ways and gets you used to varying settings and people. You can do this by moving your furniture around, changing decor, or getting your work done in a different space. 

Each time we do something in a new way, even if it feels so incredibly small, we are actively teaching our brain that these new things are safe. This consistent practice builds up a resilience to the discomfort of newness. Which is really all that uncertainty is - something new and therefore unknown. Honestly, I have even noticed the effects in my own life. I used to really struggle with change, especially a change in my routine or to my schedule of events for the day. I started practicing these types of changes about a year ago and I have noticed drastic changes to how I respond to change now. My past self would never have believed I could respond how I do now. Rewiring your brain is entirely possible through small, simple and regular practices. I know it’s hard work, but stick with it and you will experience relief in time. 

Which strategy will you try to overcome your fear of uncertainty? Let me know down in the comments.

‘Till next time,
